That when you fall, it it will capture your body, mind and soul.
That when you see her, especially all dressed up coming towards you at the venue you chose for your first date, you actually grow butterflies in your stomach. Not sure how that happens, but it happens. Your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and some hormones within you suddenly get spiked.
Then there is the honeymoon period – that early period where you just can’t seem to get enough of her and won’t want to let her out of your sight. Then come the ‘Work it out’ period, the ‘Am I making the right decision?’ period, the ‘OK, I give up’ period and the ‘You are all I need’ hot period yet again.
That her success becomes your success, her failures becomes your failure, her fears becomes your fears, her fixations merges into yours and she is your number one prayer point every time you go to God on your knees.
That your brain’s default settings automatically reconfigure and the focus of your life suddenly shifts towards that particular person. From the moment you wake up in the morning to that minute when you send her a good night message, it is all about her.
That you may be mistaken for a mad man especially on the streets of Lagos as you find yourself smiling when alone, maybe even whilst walking down the road. You hear a certain song or see a look-alike, and those little incidents bring memories that get you smiling quite often. You get so engrossed that you could even get hit by a vehicle or keke napep these days as you get carried away chatting on whatsapp or trying to send her a short video recording of what you were doing at that time.
That it is one freaking expensive adventure! Yeah, there’s a little increase in airtime budget just so you can talk to her daily. When she is far from you, you might have to do Skype also. The birthdays, anniversaries, valentine and festive gifts get factored into your yearly plan. The outings, dinners, cinemas, walks by the beach… All these things are beautiful and go a long way in keeping the fire burning but they do cost a pretty tidy sum!
That you suddenly care more about your appearance. You probably never cared about the existence of a mirror before but now you comb your hair more often, actually bought a deodorant, shaved that hitherto ignored part of your body, consider hitting the gym just to be in shape and stopped wearing your boxer shorts for more than a day.
You do things that you normally thought you won’t be doing, like following her to the Salon on a Saturday afternoon when your favourite team is actually playing or pausing on that money for the new Fifa 17 just so she can get that new dinner gown.
You go blind, like really when they say love is blind, it is actually true. You don’t care if she snores; it doesn’t mean much if she now farts in your presence. You actually would be bothered if she doesn’t pick her nose whilst with you or yawn uncontrollably every other night. You are no longer perturbed by the sight of her underwear hanging in your bathroom.
They also didn’t tell you that falling in love would make you obsessive. You feel so possessive, a tad jealous and also protective of what you have. You never want to be the second person she shares a problem with; you always wanting to be certain of her whereabouts and get wary when someone else is getting too close.
That at some point, love is usually not enough, you may require other attributes like patience, commitment, respect, trust, support and forgiveness just to make it work.
That at some point, love is usually not enough, you may require other attributes like patience, commitment, respect, trust, support and forgiveness just to make it work.
That love can be painful, when you feel neglected by the one person you care about the most. That when she ends the relationship and you cannot think of anything you did wrong, it will hurt. It will break your heart and leave you with a scar so deep that eternity may be too short to heal.
That there is no manual to mending a broken heart. There is no real step-by-step application to getting your life to make sense again. The glow on your cheek fades too fast. Time stands still; everything stands still. Nothing seems able to comfort you. source:
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