It’s really sad to note that most women learn about men and relationships the hard way (after series of terrible heart breaks). The problem with learning about men and relationships the hard way is that it can leave consequences and lingering effects.
These tips below would help you understand men and relationships without having to go the hard way.
1. We have two types of men: the men who are honourable and the dishonourable men. Do not rush to date or marry a man until you can tell the difference between the two.
2. A man who is honourable will guard your heart, protect your emotions and defend your honour. Honourable men are protectors.
3. No matter how bad and terrible you think his mother is, never criticise his mother. The two most important women in a man’s life are his wife and his mother.
4. You are not a car that needs to be test driven before purchase. Avoid any man who thinks he needs to test drive you first before marrying you and instead point him to a car.
5. He is going to get jealous if you have a male friend you always confide in. He wants to be the only man in your life.
6. Dishonourable males treat sex as a sport, females as trophies and children they sire as wastepaper. Avoid such men.
7. Avoid ultimatums. Any time you try to force a guy to do anything, he will resent you for it. Try an honest talk about how you feel and what you want out of the relationship before you give him an ultimatum.
8. Love yourself first. If you don’t love yourself, no man can ever love you… no matter how great a man he is.
9. Whether it’s movies, sports or hobbies, he wants you to enjoy the things he likes with him. Even if it’s not your thing, try to have fun with the fact that it makes him happy.
10. All men are not the same and don’t judge all men by one man’s actions. You won’t like all men to judge you based on the actions of a terrible woman they know.
11. He doesn’t need to know about your sexual past and how good John or James rocked you in bed. So don’t get into what you did with whom, no matter how much he asks. I promise you, he doesn’t want to know.
12. Moving in with him is no guarantee that he would marry you.
13. If he cheats on you once, he would probably do it again. Cheating is addictive. When he says he won’t cheat again, what he actually means is that he would make sure you don’t catch him cheating again.
14. You can’t change him and don’t ever delude yourself with the thought that you can. Your beauty, fine body, sexual prowess, cooking skills, femininity and vibrant personality will never be enough to change a man, never! Love him the way he is or not at all.
15. A man in love will do anything for you… until he realizes he has you. So when you give yourself to him, try to hold a little back to keep him on his toes.
16. it’s better to be alone than be in a terrible relationship. Know when to walk away and don’t look back.
17. Any man who plays games with your emotions and finds it difficult keeping his promises doesn’t value you, love you and care about you. Stay away from him or end up getting heartbroken.
18. Don’t ever compete with another woman for a man. It’s beneath you.
19. You should compliment him more. Women aren’t the only ones who like compliments. Tell him he looks good, tell him he’s smart, whatever. He needs to hear that every once in a while.
20. If you think he is not into you, let him go and move on with your life so that he doesn’t hinder or block your true love from finding you.
21. Never revolve your life around a man. No matter how much he wants you around, maintain some independence. Your relationship will be better off for it and last longer
22. Learn to let him win sometimes. You don’t have to be right always.
23. Nothing is more beautiful, captivating, attractive and sensual than a woman with a gentle and peaceable spirit!
24. A man needs to hunt you and win you in order to value you. Don’t ruin it by giving it up too easily. In fact, make it the hunt of his life and he might just become the love of your life.
25. Who he is at the beginning is probably the best he’ll ever be. If he’s not bringing his best when he’s first getting to know you, run.
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